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NCAA is a member-led organization dedicated to the well-being and lifelong success of college athletes. To find all college recruiting click on NCAA/ BBCS Link and all NCAA athletics click on NCAA icon.

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Since its inception in 1888, the AAU has set the standard for amateur sports in the United States with one goal in mind: “Sports For All, Forever.” It is more than a motto – it has been the focus and drive of AAU for 130 years and counting for sports in the United States and throughout the world. and the National governing body for Men's and Women's basketball in the US.



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 Colorado Department of Education (CDE) provides leadership, resources, support and accountability to the state’s 178 school districts, 1,888 schools, over 53,000 teachers and over 3,200 administrators to help them build capacity to meet the needs of the state’s approximately 905,000 public school students and families in Colorado. 

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CHSAA strives to create a positive and equitable environment in which all qualified high school student participants are challenged and inspired to meet their highest potential.


Be the Beast is an interactive sports platform designed to put coaches, kids, parents and events together on one platform. Players are able to create a profile. Event coordinators are able to create profiles and tournaments for college coaches. Coaches are able to see events and are able to see player profiles. Parents can gain info from this comprehensive system.



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The College Board is a mission-driven not-for-profit organization that connects students to college success and opportunity. All high school students in Colorado must take the SAT for college entrance. All SAT, AP, Financial aid and parent info is listed on the above links. 

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NCSA is the largest college athletic recruiting platform, with over 40,000 college coaches using NCSA to find athletes across 35 sports.

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Exposure Youth Basketball tournamentsleaguescamps,clinics, and tryouts have a website created to posting all events by directors, amatuer organizations and youth teams all across the United States. If you are looking for tournaments for your team by date and director this is a great resource. You can also post your tournament here.




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The College Board is a mission-driven not-for-profit organization that connects students to college success and opportunity. All high school students in Colorado must take the SAT for college entrance. All SAT, AP, Financial aid and parent info is listed on the above links. 

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All copy rights and images reserved by the Colorado Hoopsters Inc.

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